Pattern and validity of clinical diagnosis

Pattern and validity of clinical diagnosis of uppe...

Integrating cer vical cancer and genital tract infection

Integrating cervical cancer and genital tract infe...

Antifertility effect of aqueous and ethanol

Antifertility effect of aqueous and ethanol extrac...

Antenatal determinants of oro-facial clefts in Southern Nigeria

  Antenatal determinants of oro-facial clefts...

Integrating cervical cancer and genital tract infection

Integrating cervical cancer and genital tract infe...

Non-neoplastic diseases of the cervix in Nigerians

Non-neoplastic diseases of the cervix in Nigerians...

AIDS and non AIDS-related malignant lymphoma in Tanzania

AIDS and non AIDS-related malignant lymphoma in Ta...

Characterization and management of solid medical wastes

Characterization and management of solid medical w...