Intestinal helminths in Luweero district, Uganda

Intestinal helminths in Luweero district, Uganda R...

Bacterial indicators of pollution of the Douala lagoon

Bacterial indicators of pollution of the Douala la...

Factors associated with carcinoma of the oesophagus at Mulago Hospital

Factors associated with carcinoma of the oesophagu...

Anti-seizure activity of the aqueous leaf extract of Solanum nigrum

Anti-seizure activity of the aqueous leaf extract ...

Non-adherence to diabetes treatment at Mulago Hospital in Uganda

Non-adherence to diabetes treatment at Mulago Hosp...

Practice of intensive care in rural Africa

Practice of intensive care in rural Africa: an ass...

The incidence of HIV among blood donors in Kaduna, Nigeria.

The incidence of HIV among blood donors in Kaduna,...

Rupture of the Uterus Diagnosed by Ultrasound

Intrapartum Rupture of the Uterus Diagnosed by Ult...

Risk factors for placenta praevia

Risk factors for placenta praevia presenting with ...

Blindness from bilateral bullous retinal detachment

Blindness from bilateral bullous retinal detachmen...