Hepatitis B infection is highly endemic in Uganda

Hepatitis B infection is highly endemic in Uganda:...

Correlates of misperceptions in HIV knowledge and attitude

Correlates of misperceptions in HIV knowledge and ...

Seizure activity and neurological sequelae in Ugandan children

Seizure activity and neurological sequelae in Ugan...

Cytokine profiles and antibody responses to Plasmodium falciparum

Cytokine profiles and antibody responses to Plasmo...

Witchcraft in Transkei Region of South African

Witchcraft in Transkei Region of South African: ca...

Oxygen Cylinders: “life” or “death”?

Oxygen Cylinders: “life” or “death”? Abstr...

chronic myeloid leukemia

Severe depression following á-interferon usage in...

Reproductive effects of Ficus asperifolia (Moraceae) in female rats

Reproductive effects of Ficus asperifolia (Moracea...

Beta thalassaemiatriat in western Nigeria

Beta thalassaemiatriat in western Nigeria TR Kotil...