health promotion strategies

Physical activity and health promotion strategies ...

Cardio-respiratory fitness

Cardio-respiratory fitness markers among Kenyan un...

Effects of aerobic exercise and drug therapy

Effects of aerobic exercise and drug therapy on bl...

status of diabetic patients

Cross-sectional pilot study about the health statu...

A case of quackery and obsession for diastema

A case of quackery and obsession for diastema resu...

Dermatomyositis associated with HIV infection

Dermatomyositis associated with HIV-1 infection in...

Analysis of Gleason grade

Analysis of Gleason grade and scores in 90 Nigeria...

Facial approximation

Facial approximation: Evaluation of dental and fac...

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) status in newborns

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) status in newborns born to...

Anaesthetic and Obstetric challenges

Anaesthetic and Obstetric challenges of morbid obe...