In vivo hypoglycemic effect of methanolic fruit

In vivo hypoglycemic effect of methanolic fruit ex...

Roles of family dynamics

Roles of family dynamics on adherence to highly ac...

Prevalence of noise induced hearing loss

Prevalence of noise induced hearing loss among emp...

Counselling at primary health facilities

Counselling at primary health facilities and level...

A review of the management of perforated duodenal ulcers

A review of the management of perforated duodenal ...

Care of terminally-ill patients:

Care of terminally-ill patients: an opinion survey...

Clinical and audiometric features of presbycusis in Nigerians

Clinical and audiometric features of presbycusis i...

Compliance with iron-folic acid (IFA)

Compliance with iron-folic acid (IFA) therapy amon...

Differential expressed genes

Differential expressed genes in ECV304 Endothelial...

Impact of moderate versus mild aerobic

Impact of moderate versus mild aerobic exercise tr...