Diagnostic accuracy of fine needle aspiration

Diagnostic accuracy of fine needle aspiration cyto...

Inhibitory effect of emodin on human hepatoma

Inhibitory effect of emodin on human hepatoma cell...

Bone turnover biomarkers in obese postmenopausal

Bone turnover biomarkers in obese postmenopausal S...

Stroke mortality and its predictors in a Nigerian teaching hospital

Stroke mortality and its predictors in a Nigerian ...

Stroke subtypes and factors associated

Stroke subtypes and factors associated with ischem...

Taenia solium metacestode preparation

Taenia solium metacestode preparation in rural are...

Level of understanding of co-trimoxazole

Level of understanding of co-trimoxazole use among...

HIV/AIDS in Cuba: a model for care or an ethical dilemma?.

HIV/AIDS in Cuba: a model for care or an ethical d...

Rebellion against the polio vaccine in Nigeria

Rebellion against the polio vaccine in Nigeria: im...

What’s in a label? Learning from the HIV-TB deadly symbiosis.

What’s in a label? Learning from the HIV-TB dead...